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Planning Board Minutes 06/19/08
June 19, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:          Scott Burnside (Member),           Diane Chauncey (Staff),
Bradley Houseworth (Staff),       Joe Koziell (Member),      Andrew Robblee (Chair),
Kathi Wasserloos (Member),        C.R. Willeke (Alternate),                                             
Member & Staff Absent:    Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio),        Sandy Snow (Vice Chair),
Missy Taylor (Member)   

Public Attendees:  Matthew J. Robblee (Applicant, Robblee Tree Service)
Chair Robblee convened the Board meeting at 7:12 PM and appointed Mr. Willeke to sit for the absent Mr. Snow.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Burnside moved to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2008 Board meeting as presented. It was seconded by Mr. Koziell, and unanimously approved by all.

Public Hearing - Proposed changes to Section IX of the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations,' regarding culvert material and size requirements: Chair Robblee called the public hearing to order at 7:15 PM to consider whether to amend the culvert material and size requirements for driveways and roads currently in the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.'  Mr. Houseworth explained that the culvert material and size requirements are in the following three (3) paragraphs of Section IX of the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations:' 1) paragraph F. (Driveway Permits), 2) paragraph H. (Road Construction), 3) paragraph I. (Storm Water Drainage for Roadways); and therefore all three (3) paragraphs should be amended if the Board chooses to change the culvert material and size requirements. After a short discussion, the Board proposed the following culvert material and size requirement changes to the three (3) paragraphs of the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations,' listed above:

        1.) Change Section IX, Paragraph F (Driveway Permits), 6.a. from: "All culverts         shall be galvanized steel pipe with a minimum diameter of twelve (12) inches and        minimum cover of twelve (12) inches," to read as follows:
                "All driveway culverts shall be smooth interior corrugated high density                         polyethylene pipe with a minimum diameter of fifteen (15) inches and                    a minimum cover of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the diameter of the                   culvert."

        Chair Robblee asked if anyone present would like to speak either in favor or    against the proposed language changes to Section IX, paragraph F.6.a.; there were       none. Mr. Koziell moved to adopt the proposed language change to Section IX,    paragraph F.6.a. of the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations;' it       was seconded by Mr. Burnside. The roll call vote follows: Mr. Burnside, aye; Mr.        Robblee, aye; Mr. Koziell, aye; Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; and Mr. Willeke, aye.     The subdivision and site plan review language amendment passed unanimously      and was adopted by the Board, effective immediately.

        2.) Change Section IX, Paragraph H (Road Construction), 11. from: "All culverts         under roadways shall be of reinforced concrete or corrugated galvanized steel   with a minimum diameter of fifteen (15) inches and minimum cover of three to    four (3 - 4) feet. There shall be headers on all inlets and spreaders on all outlets    unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board," to read as follows:

                "All culverts under roadways shall be of reinforced concrete or smooth                  interior corrugated high density polyethylene pipe with a minimum                       diameter of fifteen (15) inches and minimum cover of three to four                              (3 - 4) feet to final grade. There shall be headers on all inlets and                            spreaders on all outlets unless otherwise approved by the Planning                      Board."

        There was some discussion concerning the "three to four (3 - 4) feet" minimum           material cover requirement. Mr. Burnside felt that in some applications this is not     possible or necessary.  Mr. Willeke agreed and stated that the three to four    feet    requirement is a NH Department of Transportation (DOT) standard for state       highways.

        Chair Robblee asked if anyone present would like to speak either in favor or    against the proposed language changes to Section IX, paragraph H.11; there were         none.  Mr. Koziell moved to adopt the proposed language change to Section IX,   paragraph H.11. of  the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review        Regulations;'   it was seconded by Mr. Burnside. The roll call vote follows: Mr. Burnside, aye;         Mr. Robblee, aye; Mr. Koziell, aye; Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; and Mr.       Willeke, aye. The subdivision and site plan review language amendment passed    unanimously and was adopted by the Board,  effective immediately.

        3) Change Section IX, Paragraph I. (Stormwater Drainage for Roadways) 5. from:  "Culverts fifteen (15)  inches or greater in diameter shall be of reinforced concrete   or corrugated galvanized steel having a minimum of three to four (3 - 4) feet of        cover to final grade," to read as follows:

        "Culverts fifteen (15) feet inches or greater in diameter shall be of reinforced        concrete or smooth interior corrugated high density polyethylene pipe having a  minimum of three to four (3 - 4) feet of cover to final grade.  There shall be  headers on all inlets and spreaders on all outlets unless otherwise approved by         the Planning Board."

        The Board discussed the fact that the proposed change was similar to the        previous amendment and somewhat redundant, but  felt that it should be  reiterated in the regulations to make it absolutely clear the requirements for  culverts.

        Chair Robblee asked if anyone present would like to speak either in favor or    against the proposed language changes to Section IX, paragraph I.5.; there were         none.  Mr. Koziell moved to adopt the proposed language change to Section IX,   paragraph I.5. of the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations;' it         was seconded by Mrs. Wasserloos. The roll call vote follows: Mr. Burnside, aye;         Mr. Robblee, aye; Mr. Koziell, aye; Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye. The         subdivision and site plan review language amendment passed unanimously and       was adopted by the Board, effective immediately. Chair Robblee closed the       public hearing.

Business Meeting and Correspondences:

Does Andrew & Matthew Robblee's proposal constitute a Change of Use?:  Chair Robblee recused himself from the Board to be an applicant. Mr. Koziell made a motion to appoint Mr. Burnside as Chair Pro-Tem; it  was seconded by Mrs. Wasserloos. Chair Pro-Tem Burnside asked Andrew & Matthew Robblee (owners of Robblee Tree Service, presently located at 42 Main St., Antrim, NH) to present their proposal to the Board to determine whether it constitutes a change of use. Andrew Robblee explained that he and his brother had bid on and purchased the property (Map 232, Lot 60) located at 114 Concord Street in the Highway Business District; which the Town of Antrim was auctioning off. The Robblees stated that they are proposing to operate a portion of their business from this location. There will be no changes to, or enlargement of the existing building (16' x 20' building with two rooms and a half bath) - and no new construction is proposed at this time. Mr. Houseworth stated that any enlargement of the existing dwelling or new construction would require the granting of an area variance by the Zoning Board of Adjustment, due to the fact that the entire property is within the front and rear yard setbacks.

Mr. Andrew Robblee referenced the State of NH DOT Driveway Permit #217-017-97 of November, 1997, page 2, # 9., which states: "This permit is being issued due to a change of use from residence to Nursery."  Mr. Robblee feels that the property was last used as a commercial venture, and therefore does not constitute a change of use. He stated that their intent is to use the building as an office and a portion of the property as a parking area for the 'Robblee Tree Service' vehicles. The lot is approximately sixty (60) feet wide and includes a twenty (20) foot wide paved apron that provides access of Rt. 202. He stated that the vehicles would be parked in the existing gravel packed driveway.  The Board questioned the impact to the neighborhood - the noise factor and the appearance. Mr. Matthew Robblee explained that there would be relatively little impact to the surrounding neighborhood because the vehicles would be parked behind the exisiting building and the noise from the idling vehicles would be drowned out by the traffic on Rt. 202. Although the neighbors have not been contacted, but the Robblees felt that any noise created by the Robblee Tree Service vehicles would be very minimal. After a short discussion and review of the definition of Change of Use and reference to Section VI: A. Submission Requirements for a Change of Use, Chair Pro-Tem Burnside made the motion that the Robblees' proposal does not constitute a change of use. Mrs. Wasserloos seconded it. The roll call vote follows: Mr. Burnside, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Mr. Koziell, aye; Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; and Mr. Willeke, aye. It was voted unanimously that their proposal does not constitute a change of use.

Review of the Town Engineer's Proposed Changes to the 'Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations': Chair Robblee returns to the Board. Mr. Burnside stated that he felt uncomfortable reviewing the regulations with the small number of Board members and no Ex-officio member present. The next review session will be July 10. It is hoped that all Board members will be able to attend.

CBS Holdings, LLC (File #2004-06PB) - Agreement has been sent to the Registry: A properly signed and notarized one-sided agreement has been submitted to the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds for filing purposes.
Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision (File #2005-12PB) - Breakdown of Additional Construction Engineering Services: Mr. Don Glover (owner and developer of Pierce Lakes Estates II) had requested a breakdown of Underwood Engineers, Inc. (Peter Pitsas, P.E.) most recent cost overrun invoice. A discussion ensued concerning the related costs to a major subdivision project. Mr. Burnside discussed the high costs of engineering. Mr. Houseworth noted the necessity of the Town Engineer's construction reviews for proper inspections, consistency, and fairness for all major subdivision applicants. Mr. Willeke suggested that perhaps, in some situations, a Tech may be used at times to help keep costs down, and that possibly an amendment could be made to the Town Engineer's contract. No decisions were made.

Correspondence: Status of the Marlene and Jerry Schultz Appeal to the Retaining Wall Denial - The retaining wall has been approved with a list of conditions by NH DES.

LCHIP (Land & Community Heritage Investment Program) - The State of NH has instituted a surcharge fee of $25.00 to fund LCHIP. The surcharge is due at the time of recording on deeds, mortgages, discharge of mortgages, and plans.    Mr. Koziell moved to accept the surcharge as a part of the Hearing Fees for the Town of Antrim. Mr. Willeke seconded it. The Board voted unanimously to add the fee.
Conferences, Trainings, and Workshops:
Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) - 'A Natural Approach to Landscaping & Streetscaping,' on Thursday, June 26, 2008 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM at the Nashua Regional Planning Commission at 115 Main Street (3rd Floor) in Nashua, NH
Cool Monadnock and the US EPA - 'EPA Community Forum: Using Portfolio Manager to Manage your Carbon Footprint' on Thursday, June 26, 2008 from 6:30 - 8:00      PM at the Antioch University New England Dance Studio at 40 Avon St. in Keene, NH

Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Mrs. Wasserloos. Chair Robblee adjourned the meeting at 8:35.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board